
There’s nothing pleasant about finding your office in ruins as a result of a bomb blast. Reading that the terrorists who planted the bomb in front of the building that houses Skai TV station and Kathimerini newspaper wanted to send some sort of message about the way we journalists do our job also prompts some negative thoughts.

27.10.2018 / 22:31

It may not be widely articulated, but the view that political power is won or lost in the political center has not been confirmed. The destruction of the middle class will be the fifth fundamental shift in the world where the so-called baby boomer generation emerged.

22.07.2018 / 21:25

Nonperforming loans held by eurozone banks are close to a trillion euros, according to recent data, and Greek lenders are struggling with just over a tenth of that amount, or more than 100 billion euros of nonperforming exposures.

05.04.2018 / 09:18

There will be no war with Turkey. There is no objective reason for this. Only an error in the handling of the constantly changing but always high diplomatic tension between Turkey and (virtually all) its neighbors could lead to an incident similar to the Imia standoff of 1996.

20.12.2017 / 16:53

It is sometimes ignored that as head of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras does not enjoy an absolute parliamentary majority. His leftist party only controls 144 seats in the 300-seat House, although he does have the backing of nine MPs from the right-wing populist Independent Greeks party (ANEL).