
Greek second round elections are due, and tax policy and tax fairness have become (purposefully) a campaign issue. Sadly, divide-and-conquer is polarizing the people and setting up parties against each other as though the other side is not worth a vote.


14.03.2019 / 18:03

It is difficult to make progress if you cannot measure it. Some things can’t be quantified, such as love, happiness or beauty, but in macroeconomics, measuring things is very important to get an idea of what is going on.

28.02.2019 / 10:09

The crisis has led several Greek governments since then to take many measures to address the dire state of the public finances. Thus, we can now ask whether all this effort has improved the balance sheet as of year-end data for 2017, now that we are nine years on and the country is emerging from the recession.

28.01.2019 / 21:48

The aspirational target for productivity growth can be interpolated for quarterly monitoring, says Bob Traa in his latest Note for Discussion.

11.12.2018 / 19:30

In August 2018, Greece exited the economic programs with the European partner countries, the European Commission, European Stability Mechanism, European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (the latter had already opted out).

04.12.2018 / 20:04

Greek politicians are responsible for solving the debt problem – nobody else can do this, says Bob Traa in his latest Note for Discussion.