Sad, red sunsets from Iraq on our television screens
Night and day, magenta sunsets have flashed across our television screens at the cost of dozens of lives of soldiers on both sides of the conflict and the lives of far more civilians, including children. Naturally the world is focused on the Iraq war, the missiles and the «smart» bombs falling on Baghdad, Basra and Kuwait, the tension on the border with Turkey and Iraq, the burning oil wells and the pall of smoke, and the «fireworks» from the ground-to-air missiles streaking across the sky. War correspondents from the major news agencies and television networks, either in the target cities or following the coalition forces into hand-to-hand combat, are the real heroes and are already counting their first losses in this war that rages along with anti-war demonstrations on all continents. These protests have not had any short-term effect, as the war has begun and will continue. As for the result of the war itself, an event that has divided Europe, the bill will be presented at its end. For the time being, missiles and bombs will continue to light up the Iraqi horizon and the outcome of this bombardment on our planet’s environment is a source of concern not only to pacifists but also to warmongers. For after all, what will the ruler of the world do, if there is no world left?