Four-day expo to draw designers of all stripes to former airport
Design, be it architectural, interior or industrial, is the subject of an exposition for local (as well as some international) designers taking place at the Olympic fencing facilities at Hellenikon from February 21 to 24. On the first day, «Design Lab» aims to inform architects, interior designers and consumers about the latest developments in materials, lighting and space design. The idea is to boost communication and interaction through the many events that will make up the four-day exposition. The exhibition center serving as the «Design Lab» hub will feature architectural drawings and models, as well as studies and materials. Nearby will be an exhibit titled «Proposals and Extensions on Furniture and Objects in Greek Design.» On February 23, there will be a seminar on «Energy Conservation in Buildings and Bioclimatic Design.» A conference on architectural lighting design will be taking place on all four days.