Easing of rules about loan return

Easing of rules about loan return

Thousands of businesses that have marginally violated the terms of the cheap state loans program, known as the “Deposit To Be Returned,” are exempted from the obligation to return the refundable advance payment, according to an announcement by the Finance Ministry.

Businesses that fired an employee – for example – in July and hired another employee in August, although based on the original conditions they should have returned the entire refundable advance, the ministry decided to change the conditions and forgive them this minor violation.

At the same time, for those businesses that have not yet sent the supporting documents, an extension is given until the end of the year in order to do so, while for those who fraudulently circumvented the terms of the refundable advance payment, they are asked to return it, with interest, by the end of January 2023.

It is noted that last week and after checks carried out by the tax administration services and the Ministry of Labor (Ergani), 17,800 businesses were identified, many of which did not retain their staff. This condition was one of the most important ones for granting them the aid.

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