Efforts continue to open closed-shop professions
The effort that started in 2010 aimed at opening up closed-shop professions is still far from over. The third bailout review forced the implementation of a series of regulations through the multi-bill passed on January 15, liberalizing domains ranging from dancing schools to road assistance.
Among the provisions of Law 4512 are the abolition of the restriction stating that only people with a dance degree or 15 years’ experience as a dance teacher can be issued a license to open a dance school (even if just for amateurs).
Other regulation changes include the reduction of years of prior experience required for hairdressers and manicurists, and the obligation of road assistance firms to submit a series of documents every year, among others.
Notably, the profession of engineers is still heavily regulated despite the liberalization effort that began in 2011, and the fourth and final bailout review is expected to contain a prior action regarding the further lifting of restrictions on this profession.