Positive hiring prospects are seen across the economy

Positive hiring prospects are seen across the economy

The best prospects for hirings in the last quarter of the year are forecast in the sectors of commerce, electricity and construction, according to the quarterly survey by Manpower Group, as the economy overall is gearing up for a major increase in employment, the poll of employers showed.

The overall prospects for hirings across the economy remained unchanged from the previous quarter at +18 percent, with employers speaking of steady intentions to increase their staffs during the second half of the year. One in five (20 percent) employers foresee their workforce growing while 8 percent anticipate a reduction. Seventy percent forecast no change.

Employers in commerce (wholesale and retail) recorded the strongest prospects for hirings, with a balance of +27 percent seen for employment in the fourth quarter this year. The natural gas and water sector expects a 22 percent increase and the construction sector 20 percent more employees.

There are also growth prospects for employment in tourism (+17 percent), in financial and property services (+16 percent) and in industry (+15 percent).

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