Shipping Report
TANKERS As we predicted, the activity in the N. Sea has driven Aframax rates to W/S 110 and they are soon expected to achieve W/S 120. – Med. remains stable with modern Aframax at W/S 125 and Suezmax at W/S 85-90. – In Caribs, despite the increased number of fixtures, rates are holding at W/S 120 for the 70,000-ton cargo liftings. – W. Africa stable with the latest fixtures at W/S 75 for USAC and Cont. – In the Med., Stasco for 80,000 tons of cargo loading April 17 Egypt, discharging UKC / Med., has fixed M/T «Bergitta» at W/S 120. – In the Cont., Veba for 82,000 tons of cargo loading April 24, discharging UKC, has fixed Lundquist tonnage at W/S 95. – In Caribs, Emerald for 70,000 tons of cargo loading April 15 East Coast Mexico, discharging US Gulf, has fixed M/T «Amazon Guardian» at W/S 117.5. DRY CARGO Capers at steady levels, while Atlantic Panamaxes still enjoy a firm market. Panamax grain liftings US Gulf / Japan at USD 21.00 per ton one dollar up on the last load. – Dreyfus with delivery US Gulf mid-April, redelivery Philippines, has fixed M/V «Alpha Harmony I» 74,374 dwt, built 2001, at USD 9,200 daily and USD 200,000 ballast bonus. – Far East remains quiet and at low freight levels. NASL has fixed M/V «Lamyra» 64,879 dwt, built 1983, delivery end April, redelivery China, at USD 5,750 daily and USD 110,000 ballast bonus, while Swiss Marine has fixed M/V «Macanudo» 69,703 dwt, built 1989, delivery China end April, redelivery Continent, at USD 5,500 daily. – In Atlantic, Keoyang has fixed M/V «Konkar Theodora» 65,282 dwt, built 1985, delivery US Gulf April 16-20, redelivery Far East, at USD 8,200 daily and USD 165,000 ballast bonus. – On smaller sizes, EMR has fixed M/V «Star Pollux» 43,769 dwt, built 1996, delivery Norway mid-April, redelivery Far East, at USD 9,600 daily.