Health Ministry: Masks obligatory for parade spectators, but not for marchers
Spectators at the October 28 parades to commemorate Greece’s entry into World War II are obliged to wear a mask, but those marching them are not, the Health Ministry said on Friday.
“The Health Ministry clarifies that according to the health protocols, the use of a mask is obligatory outdoors where there is gathering and crowding,” a ministry statement said.
“Therefore, during the parades, spectators should wear a mask, unlike those marching in them, for whom the use of a mask is not be mandatory since they will be in formation.
“However, those marching in parades should wear masks before and after the parade, when they are waiting around and not in formation.”
Ochi Day, marking Greece’s rejection of an Italian ultimatum and its entry into World War II on October 28, 1940, is a national holiday that is celebrated with military and student parades.
Earlier on Friday, the Interior Ministry said student Ochi Day parades must not last longer than an hour.