Doctors’ protest harming hospitals, say non-strikers
As hospital doctors entered the 11th day of go-slow action on Wednesday to protest cuts to health sector spending and unpaid overtime, tensions have been building between medics joining the action and those boycotting it as the latter are being obliged to pick up the slack.
For several days, managers at hospitals across the country have been urging medics to call off their action.
In many cases, such as that of the AHEPA general hospital in Thessaloniki, managers are disputing the legitimacy of the protest. In response, unions are reportedly holding seminars to brief medics on their rights, providing opinions from legal experts on the lawfulness of go-slow action.
But the protests by medics has caused problems in several hospitals. At the capital?s Evangelismos, which has around 1,000 patients to deal with every duty shift, there are only 100 doctors available, a quarter of the usual number.