Attiko Metro chief warns of brain drain on company due to salary cuts
Public sector wage cuts have led to a brain drain in the company that is responsible for the Athens metro and the construction of its Thessaloniki counterpart, leaving it short of experienced personnel, Attiko Metro SA’s managing director has warned.
In a letter to Infrastructure Minister Costis Hatzidakis, Christos Tsitouras said that executive salaries have dropped by as much as 65-70 percent since the start of the crisis, prompting dozens of employees – including 14 engineers – with high levels of expertise to leave the company for better-paid posts, especially in the Middle East.
“Every day Attiko Metro is losing the know-how that it so dearly acquired,” Tsitouras said in his letter, dated April 16.
Attiko Metro currently employs 430 people, down from as many as 600 a few years ago.