Transfer of municipal staff due to begin next month
Local government employees were officially notified Thursday of the rules governing how up to 4,000 of them could be transferred in the coming weeks as part of the public sector mobility scheme, paving the way for the government to meet the target it has been set by the troika.
The way the transfers are being carried out has not met with municipal officials’ approval but the head of the Central Union of Municipalities of Greece (KEDE), Costas Askounis, encouraged colleagues to cooperate with the government’s demands. “It is a step forward, a pilot scheme that could solve some problems and give municipalities an opportunity to improve staffing,” he said. “It is important we keep in mind that this is a voluntary exercise.”
Municipalities have until May 6 to inform the Interior Ministry of staffing needs. The transfer of another 8,500 employees at the EOPYY healthcare provider will help the government reach the troika’s target of 12,500.