UN mediator Nimetz sees hope for name talks

UN mediator Nimetz sees hope for name talks

United Nations Special Representative Matthew Nimetz told the “Istories” (Stories) program on Skai TV Tuesday that conditions will be more favorable for the resolution of the name dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) after the latter holds elections in June.

The American diplomat, who has been involved in the negotiations between the two neighbors for 20 years, added that terrorism and the migrant crisis make finding a solution even more important. He said that if the problem had been resolved and FYROM was part of the EU and NATO like Greece, then the refugee crisis would have been handled more effectively.

Nimetz also bemoaned the loss of a significant period of time when the efforts to resolve the dispute were put on the back burner because of problems that he said absorbed the thoughts and attention of leaders in both countries.

However, he insisted that regular contacts with the representatives of both countries have resumed to restart negotiations.

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