Hybrid digs for consumers
Housing architecture is the embodiment of social and family structures in space. The transformation of these structures over time becomes apparent in changes to architecture itself. Now that social and family structures are varied, they cannot result in just one particular type of architecture. So a flexible, easily adaptable home typified by simple, clear shapes is more desirable than ever. Despite these changes, modern urban homes are still the places that provide shelter and privacy. Yet identification of the home with the «hearth» is waning, as more and more people are acquiring a greater mobility, which allows (or requires) them to move about more. We no longer see the home as the place where we will spend most of our lives, but as a more or less ephemeral base. Technological advances have made the home an extension of the workplace. In our attempt to make our relationship with our home base more attractive in the little time we spend in it, we are continually adding consumer functions – gym equipment, a pool, home cinema or a garage and sporting fixtures.