Flexible spaces show shifts in modern society
There is a new relationship emerging between space, time and architecture in housing, a concept which is being re-examined and reinterpreted. Space is now being designed as a dynamic area that can be reformed and subjected to many small temporary transformations. At the same time, the use of space is changing and is now governed by flexible time in which activities – work, entertainment, rest and study – are mixed. Activities are no longer restricted to specific places, as the home is now the site of functions that once took place elsewhere. Work and recreation often take place in the home, particularly with the advent of technological advances such as the Internet, home cinema and teleconferencing. People often eat outside the home or at work. These changes have touched everything and are leading to an unprecedented combination of places, both morphologically and from the viewpoint of atmosphere. New homes embrace changes in the modern way of life and are characterized by uncertainty and multiplicity. They reject geometry and stylistic and morphological stereotypes and are characterized by flow and fluidity.