Tax evasion a crime, but highly tempting
Juggling civic duty with self-interest, Greeks agree tax evasion is a serious crime that merits severe punishment and feel that stricter legislation should be implemented, but would still avoid paying taxes if they could, according to a recent poll. The results of a nationwide survey on proposed social security reforms, carried out by Kappa Research on behalf of state NET television, were broadcast on Thursday night. Most respondents (49 percent) concurred that Greece’s ailing social security system should be primarily financed through higher taxation of top income earners. Asked whether taxpayers’ money is put to good use, 39 percent said «certainly not,» and 30 percent «not really.» Some 77 percent conceded that tax evasion is a serious offense, while 87 percent went on to agree that «tax evasion is an act of theft and should be severely punished.» And 80 percent agreed that stricter laws should be passed to fight tax evasion. However, 43 percent admitted that, if they could, they would avoid paying tax – while 54 percent said they would not. Police believe he slipped cyanide into the food, acting on instructions from other criminals.