Bleak outlook for Danish, Irish feta

Three years after the European Court dashed Greece’s hopes of establishing its union-wide copyright on feta cheese, Athens now stands a good chance of attaining its objective despite fierce opposition from major EU cheese producers. Today, the 15-member union’s regulatory committee is to discuss a proposal by the EU Commission to include the crumbly white cheese on its list of appellation of origin products. These can only be marketed as such if made in a specific geographical area traditionally linked with the product. Although opposition from Britain, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, France and Ireland is not expected to allow an outright decision in favor of Greece, anticipated support from Italy, Spain, Portugal, Finland and Sweden should ensure that the committee does not vote against Greek positions either. In the absence of an agreement, the question will be referred to the Council of Ministers, which is no more likely to reach a decision. As a result, the matter will be judged by the Commission, which has already come out in favor of Greece.

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