Fire in eastern Attica engulfs homes, triggers evacuations

Fire in eastern Attica engulfs homes, triggers evacuations

Authorities have urged residents to evacuate an area on the fringes of Athens where a large wildfire was fanned by strong winds.

The fire service said 54 firefighters, assisted by six water-dropping aircraft, were trying to control a “difficult fire” near Vari, some 30 kilometers south of central Athens, in an area where there are scattered residential properties.

At least two homes were engulfed in flames after a fire broke out in Koropi, according to local officials.

Traffic was suspended along a main highway connecting Koropi to Athens suburbs. One storage facility was on fire and flames crept into a boat dry dock and across fields of dry grass and olive trees, images on local TV showed.

A 112 emergency alert message was sent, instructing residents of Lambrika to evacuate towards Agia Marina Avenue. Shortly afterwards, a second alert advised residents of Kitsi to move towards Vari.

Dozens of wildfires have broken out in Greece in recent days amid scorching summer temperatures, but they were extinguished before they could cause extensive damage.

The greater Athens area has been declared at a high risk of fire Wednesday and Thursday.

Wildfires are common in Greece’s dry, hot summers, and have caused scores of deaths in recent years. Authorities have warned of a particularly high risk this summer following a dry, warm winter that has left vegetation tinder-dry.

Earlier Wednesday. the fire service said it had brought under control another blaze near Markopoulo, east of Athens, and the island of Evia.

Another wildfire was burning on the Aegean Sea island of Naxos. [AP, Kathimerini. AMNA. Reuters]

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