How low can our MPs sink?
Even the most hardened veterans of Greece?s modern political history — who have experienced some of the worst moments in the country?s public life — cannot remember a time when the standard of discourse in Parliament fell to such a low.
It is obvious that a sizable majority of the country?s deputies think that it?s OK to behave in the House just as they would arguing with someone at their local cafe or on a trashy television panel.
It?s no wonder the political system is held in such low esteem in the eyes of the Greek people and has lost all of its credibility.
Surely now more than ever Greece?s politicians should be setting a good example, should be showing that they respect the institutions and the processes of democracy by maintaining a higher standard of discourse.
Greece simply can?t afford a body of politicians who cannot or will not rise to the occasion dictated by circumstances, who are prepared to set the bar of politics at such an all-time low.