July 15, 1953
COSTAS OURANIS: The late poet Costas Ouranis was buried yesterday morning at the Athens First Cemetery. The funeral was attended by Mr George Papandreou, representatives of the community of arts and letters and many of the deceased poets’ friends. (…) The pallbearers were Messrs. Petros Haris, I.M. Panayiotopoulos, M. Stassinopoulos, I. Venezis and G. Hadzinis. CLEON PARASCHOS ON OURANIS: Along with Costas Hadzopoulos, Ouranis was the Greek poet who most closely followed the teachings of symbolism in his poems and who used some of the most characteristic themes used in symbolic and post-symbolic poetry. DISTOMOS SLAUGHTER: The German captain Zabel, who is being held in Averoff prison and who has been accused by the Greek National Bureau of War Crimes in connection with the mass slaughter in the northern Greek village of Distomo during the wartime occupation of Greece by the Nazis, has been handed over to the German authorities so that he can be tried by German courts. VICTIMS OF WAR: The Athens Union of Disabled Persons is asking that a new bill restricting the number of civil servants include a provision ruling that the disabled and war victims employed in the civil service should be allowed to keep their jobs.