August 7, 1953
LETTER FROM ODYSSEAS ELYTIS: (Sent to the column «An Athenian’s Notes» in his capacity as program director of the National Radio Foundation) – «Regarding the claim in a letter printed in the edition of August 6 that Athens Radio broadcasts scenes of ‘terror’, we would like to observe the following: (a) The scenes broadcast on Wednesday and Sunday were for adults and not children, for whom there are special educational and entertainment programs; (b) the works for the summer season have been chosen from among the most entertaining and pleasant available in the local and foreign repertoire; (c) the particular scene to which your correspondent referred is the work of a young Greek writer and does not include scenes of terror, but simply the dramatization of imaginary events such as those we encounter so often in in the legends and traditions of the Greek people (such as ‘The Dead Man’s Oath’, ‘The Bridge of Arta’ and others). Let me take this opportunity to observe that just as the listener demands a high standard from the producer of programs, we also demand a high standard from our good listeners, who are not justified in making hasty accusations based on a single impression but should judge each program in its entirety and in relation to the particular reasons that dictate its inclusion in the broadcast. Yours truly, Odysseas Elytis.»