January 5-12, 1954
THEOFILOS VOREAS: The academic and Athens University professor Theofilos Voreas died yesterday morning (January 4) at the age of 77. (…) It was at his initiative that the first experimental psychology laboratory in Greece was set up at Athens University. (…) Among his works were «On Jewish Poetry» and «Psychological Heredity and the Environment as Factors in the Intellect and Character.» He also translated the German poet Heinrich Heine (…) and published translations of classical poets under the title «Immortal Rhythms,» in four volumes. IN HELL: According to telegrams from Rome, church authorities have issued a circular banning the sale in Catholic bookshops of the book «The Devil» by the Catholic writer Giovanni Papini in which the writer claims that God, in his mercy, could even pardon Satan. This, according to the Catholics, goes against the doctrines of the Gospel. TSIRIMOKOS: New books that have been brought out include «Memory,» by Ilias Tsirimokos, Alpha publications, Athens 1954.