Rebooting ND

The decision to launch procedures for electing a new New Democracy leader is welcome. In fact, it should have been made a long time ago.

Greece’s big center-right party is in need of a serious shake-up that will transform it into a modern European party with clear-cut positions and fresh political personel.

In order to get there, ND will have to do away with the reactionary mechanisms, party barons and taboos that have been weighing down the conservatives for quite some time now.

The fact is that there are voters out there who wish to be represented by a pro-European, pro-business party that is at the same time keen to protect law and order. These people make up a percentage is that is considerably higher than what New Democracy has been able to garner in the country’s last two elections.

It is up to the conservatives to claim that percentage so long as they champion brave long-term solutions instead of in-party compromise and keep rehashing yesterday’s politics.

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