March 19, 1954
RESIGNATION OF P. TZANETAKIS: During yesterday’s parliamentary session, Greek Rally ruling party member P. Tzanetakis said in reference to the electoral draft bill: «It proves that the Greek Rally is planning to abolish parliamentary and democratic institutions. The government has abused its power and passed all the most important laws through the Emergency Authorization Committee without there being any urgency (shouting and protests from the ruling party benches)… Continuing, Tzanetakis charged that the bill replaces elected municipal officials, subjugates labor unions to the party and abolishes press freedom. «And as far as I am concerned,» he concluded, «I will follow my conscience.» US AID: Washington, 18 (By our correspondent A.A. Antonakakis) – Greek Defense Minister Panayiotis Kanellopoulos told me right after a meeting at the Pentagon on issues relating to the organization of the Greek armed forces: «I am fully satisfied with the American stance. I anticipate favorable results and in line with Greek views within a month, due to the time required for… coordinating decisions with NATO headquarters in Paris.»