As ball, in tennis, is ‘either in or out,’ so truth is objective, not dependent on viewpoint
Hearing a sportscaster on NET radio [regarding sprinters Costas Kenteris and Katerina Thanou] say «everything in life depends on the angle you look at it from,» I could not help but feel disappointed that in the country of Socrates (who was searching for the truth) and Aristotle (for whom A was A and not B) this sort of candy («everything is relative») is in everybody’s mouth all the time. Of course, it is very convenient because if everything is relative, it follows that nothing is «good» or «bad,» everything and everybody is equal (so the lesser of us feel comforted). As the man who uttered this was a sportscaster, I would like to remind him this: Watching the worthy Lena Daniilidou in her wonderful tennis game, there were occasions when the ball was in or out. It was not always clear in our viewpoint (or hers) which it was. That’s why they have line inspectors to see each part of the court. The fact remains: the ball was either in or out (or on the line, which counts, I believe, as in). It cannot be both in and out. Just because perhaps it was not easy to see, or even if sometimes it was called the wrong way by the referee, does not alter this fact. The ball cannot be both in and out – it is one or the other; there is an objective truth in all things, they are not relative. There is no doubt that in the case of Kenteris and Thanou there is also a truth, which I hope we will eventually discover. I was very cautious about forming an opinion about the case, because I would really not want to misjudge and be unfair to athletes who have worked hard and with dedication, and also excellent results. But unfortunately, as details about the case were being reported in the press, it became clear to me that they were at fault – the evidence against them and their coach was overwhelming. One thing that really destroyed my good opinion of them was this: They chose to remain in hospital for two more days after Monday (when the coroner made it absolutely clear that the only pain they might be suffering from was perhaps a broken nail), dragging the country and the Olympics through the mud for even longer (in full view of all the world media). These Olympics had every right to and predisposition for success – the opening ceremony and the wonderful stadiums, the improved transportation and the cleaned-up, friendlier Athens center had set a very favorable climate. And as Greek people started getting interested, excited and buying tickets, this incident put a damper on everything and the associations changed from «Greek success» to «Greek scandal.» I am not nationalist at all. However, we have paid for all this and the good image of our small (and complex-ridden) country abroad is very important. It brings us tourism, investment and increases slightly the little clout we have. So to damage this great opportunity at this stage was criminal of them. My next question to the government is: Are these two unworthies going to remain officers of the Greek army? (which means we will continue to be paying them salaries for «services rendered to the country» and reward their behavior). LINA ZAPROUDI, Greece.