A cherished relationship, no matter who is President
As I write this, the crucial battleground states of North Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Virginia are too close to call. The important States of Florida and Texas are leaning in President Donald Trump’s favor. The election will likely come down to the results in the battleground states of Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
During the last four years, the media, elected and citizen opponents and supporters of US President Donald J. Trump, Allies and Adversaries, tweeters, and social media warriors, protesters and rioters have spoken. Tonight, however, the American people speak by exercising one of cherished values that our American founders inherited from ancient Athenians, the right to vote.
Regardless of whether President Trump wins a second term or Joe Biden defeats him, both will face greater challenges than ever before, both domestically and internationally, during this next term.
The electoral result, however, will not change the relationship between the United States and The Hellenic Republic. Our common values and steadfast interests in shared ideals of democracy, rule of law, informed citizenry, freedom of speech, and America’s founding fathers’ affection for the Ancient Greek gift of democracy make this special bond unbreakable.
The fact that Greece’s interests are America’s interests and the reliability of Greece as an ally and a pillar of stability surrounded by an arc of instability at the frontier of where our common values and the light of freedom shines make this relationship even more special and important no matter who is President of the United States.
Commander Demetries Grimes is a former US naval officer, aviator, Secretary of Defense Executive Fellow, and diplomat. He has served as Naval Attaché to Greece, Naval Attaché to Israel, Deputy Commander of the US base in Crete, and Advisor to NATO’s Maritime Commander in London, UK.