October 11, 1955

KARAMANLIS’S PLATFORM: Prime Minister Constantine Karamanlis yesterday presented his government’s platform to Parliament with clarity, sincerity and political courage. The government’s mission is somewhat restricted: economizing in all sectors; no new taxes; controls over high incomes and liquidation of frozen assets; subsidies for production and high rate of investments; strong support for Cyprus’s struggle for nationhood. The onus is on Turkey for initiatives to restore friendly relations by compensation for damages. There will be no faits accomplis in foreign policy. Greece’s history and geographical position have determined its alliance with Western democracies. Time will tell, more than words can. Elections will be held in spring under a new electoral law. GIORGOS THEMELIS: Moscow, 10 – Last Friday (October 7) the first concert by Giorgos Themelis was held in the auditorium of the University of Riga, before an audience of about 1,000 people, with works by Beethoven and Chopin.(…) The concert concluded with Greek dances by Teperidis, performed by Themelis and the Greek violinist Dikaios.

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