October 17, 1955

RALLIS REPLIES TO THE ECONOMIST: Responding to comments in yesterday’s issue of The Economist regarding Athens Radio broadcasts on the Cyprus issue, the Minister to the Prime Minister, Mr Georgios Rallis, has made the following statement: «Athens Radio broadcasts only a summary of the editorials and commentaries in the Greek press on Cyprus. Athens Radio does not incite Cypriots to commit acts of violence but nor is it willing to ignore the struggle of the Cypriot people, for then it would be unworthy of being called a Greek radio station.» Referring to a comment in The Economist that broadcasts on Cyprus were made for party expediencies, Mr Rallis emphasized that on this point the magazine was deceived. All Greeks, he said, irrespective of their party affiliations, were watching the Cypriot people’s struggle with fervent interest. RENAMING: The municipal council of Vyronas has unanimously approved a proposal by Acting Mayor Dimitris Economou to change the names of Churchill and Scobie streets to Cyprus and Northern Epirus streets respectively.

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