March 30, 1957
MAKARIOS: Mae (Seychelles) 29 – The ethnarch of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios, told the press today that he hoped the new situation would lead to a truly peaceful climate for negotiations. He made it clear that unless he returned to the island, there could be no question of talks with the British government. He also clarified that his statement to British Colonial Secretary Alan Lennox-Boyd regarding a «democratically just solution» meant only the implementation of self-determination, for which the Cypriot people would not stop struggling, and that every guarantee would be provided for the Turkish minority in the process of self-determination, as was the main demand of the Cypriot people, and not union with Greece. Meanwhile, he said he first would go to Greece and then to London. ENTHUSIASM IN CYPRUS: Nicosia, 29 – Reuters reports that reaction in Cyprus (to Makarios’s release) bordered on mass hysteria. Attempts by the authorities to contain the crowd’s enthusiasm included the use of tear gas, although there were only minor incidents.