APRIL 8-9, 1952

SOCIAL CONSCIENCE: (From a commentary in Kathimerini) The government, busy with expanding the peace measures and rehabilitating civil servants and military personnel who lost their jobs for helping the outlaws, has had no time to notice the Greek people’s low standard of living. If it did have the time, and the inclination, it would have been disturbed by a laconic news item the other day, to the effect that in March, 1,414 people lost their jobs in Athens alone, with twice as many more in Piraeus, Thessaloniki and other major towns. There are now almost 200,000 unemployed people throughout the country, and if this rate continues, we do not do know where it will end. Meanwhile as the price of food keeps rising and some basic items have disappeared from the shelves, workers are becoming deeply concerned, seeing a recurrence of conditions experienced during the wartime occupation. (…) SUGAR RATIONS: An emergency ration of 200 drams (640 grams) of sugar has been ordered for Athens’s residents for the Easter holiday, in exchange for coupon No. 30. PRINCE PETROS: Prince Petros, who has been unlucky in his marriage, is intending to divorce his wife.

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