April 24, 1957
UPHEAVAL IN JORDAN: London: 25 – Events in Jordan are unfolding rapidly today. After the resignation of the Hussein Khalidi government, the United States – followed by Britain and France – have officially declared their interest in maintaining peace in the Middle East and safeguarding the region against communist infiltration. At the same time, and clearly as confirmation of that interest, the US Sixth Fleet, which is based in French and Italian ports, has been ordered to head for the eastern Mediterranean. In Amman meanwhile, following the Khalidi government’s resignation, King Hussein has dissolved the political parties, placed the police under the control of the military, ordered the arrest of former prime minister Suleiman Nabulsi and given Ibrahim Hashim a mandate to form a government. Hashim, who has held government posts in the past, enjoys the total confidence of the palace. According to military exerts in London, this move by King Hussein has only a 50 percent chance of success and only then provided there is no outside intervention. In both Washington and London, the situation in the Middle East is considered to be quite serious.