Dialogue without fear

Things are becoming quite ridiculous. In a country where everyone agrees it is high time to address the social security issue, the majority attack anyone who dares say a word on the issue. The same happened in 1996 with the proposals of the Spraos committee, in 2002 with Yiannitsis and again today, like a broken record, over statements by Nikos Analytis. We will not go into the details of what the president of the Economic and Social Committe said, but we will say that dialogue begins with ideas. These are what should be judged. What should not be allowed is for every attempt at discussion to be cast in a negative light, and for those with ideas to be terrorized by fear of a vocal backlash. At some point we will simply have to sit down and talk about this bomb ticking away beneath the country’s foundations. So let the nay-sayers be silent and offer their own suggestions. That is, of course, if they have any.

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