December 21, 1957
RELIGIOUS WAR: London, 20 – The House of Commons has ratified the Paris conference treaty by 289-251, providing for the installation of guided missiles on British soil. That has been the first positive result of the NATO summit, just 24 hours after it ended. Britain appears to be the first allied country to accept that there is a Soviet threat… The leader of the Labor Party, Aneurin Bevan, launched a bitter attack against certain statements by US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his accusations regarding Russia’s «materialism and atheistic despotism» and his statement: «Let us rearm so as to fight atheism.» Bevan said that was the language of a religious war. «We must avoid any polarization between two dogmatic viewpoints.» BACK FROM PARIS: Prime Minister Constantine Karamanlis arrived by air yesterday from Paris where he had taken part in the NATO summit. He was accompanied by Foreign Minister Evangelos Averof, Defense Minister Evangelos Protopapadakis, Minister without a Portfolio Grigoris Kasimatis, other experts and Greek Ambassador to London Georgios Seferiades (the poet George Seferis).