April 17, 1958
EZRA POUND: Washington, DC – A US federal court has been convening for the past few days with regard to a claim by the lawyers of the great American poet Ezra Pound that the US government drop a charge of treason lodged against him in 1946. During the war, Pound was in Italy and took part in broadcasts by Italian radio stations to the Allies. He was later taken prisoner by the American military, sent back to the USA and committed to a psychiatric clinic solely to avoid a trial, his opponents claimed. His lawyers said their client should be allowed out of the clinic for the good of his health and that freeing him would «under no circumstances harm the interests of the United States.» The government apparently has no objection to releasing the poet of «The Cantos» but believes that his case should be reviewed, at least as a formality. Naturally, there are those who are opposed to releasing him, although these objections have not taken the form of any public outcry. ELECTRONIC TELESCOPE: Paris – The director of the Paris observatory has presented to the Academy of Science the impressive results of what can be achieved by an electronic telescope, invented and constructed by Lallemand and Dussel.