May 30, 1952

INDEX: Rome – The Roman Catholic Church has put all works by the Italian novelist Alberto Moravia on its black list of banned books and has forbidden all Catholics to read them. (…) Pope Pius approved the decision by the Holy Brotherhood of Cardinals and ordered its release. The decree, in Latin, was published on May 26 in the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano (…). Moravia said he had no comment to make other than that he was in very good company, since Benedetto Croce, D’Annunzio, Luigi Pirandello and Boccacio had also been put on the Vatican’s black list. RIOTS: Paris, May 29- The French capital lived through real revolution last night. The Communist Party of France made a show of force with armed groups aimed at weakening the French political and military establishment’s position in NATO. Last night’s bloody battles in Paris can be directly linked to Soviet pressure and reactions in East Germany to the signing of the agreements of Bonn and Paris between West Germans and the West. (…) The French police this morning seized all Communist newspapers published around the country. MAKRONISOS: Yesterday afternoon, National Defense Undersecretary Giorgios Mavros, accompanied by Lt Gen Tsakalotos and Ketseas, went to the island of Makronisos and reviewed the camp (used as place of exile for political prisoners). (…) The undersecretary told the press that the work being done at Makronisos was wonderful.

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