No more turning a blind eye
The latest escape, the second, by the two celebrity inmates from the centrally located Korydallos Prison has illustrated in very simple terms a feeling that has been eating away at the public for some time now, that the state’s law and order mechanisms have gone beyond being rusty and are now verging on collapse. A large portion of the responsibility for this sad state of affairs certainly rests on the shoulders of those ministers who served in key posts over the past few years and who failed to bolster the state and its mechanisms. However, the time for generalizations is now long gone and it has become imperative that the blame for such incidents be placed squarely on the shoulders of those politicians and state employees who allowed it to happen in the first place. This is the only way to bring about any kind of change within the state mechanisms, because when the people responsible for the degeneration of the state begin paying for their mistakes or their criminal negligence, the next person entertaining such ideas will be compelled to think again.