March 13, 1959
NASSER AGAINST COMMUNISTS: London, 12 – The President of the United Arab Republic (Egypt and Syria) Gamal Abdel Nasser said in Damascus today that «Arab nationalism will emerge victorious in Iraq despite the communist terrorism there. The conspiracies by Iraqi communists have failed.» Nasser said there would be no reprisals for the bombing of a village in Syria, as this would affect purely Arab villages in Iraq with which Syrians and Egyptians had close bonds. He then accused Iraqi Prime Minister Abdul Karim Kassem of using the tactics of pro-Western Nuri as-Said to divide the Arabs and of trying to break up the UAR. Nasser’s attack was the most virulent against Kassem to date and is seen as a serious warning to communists in the Middle East. Cairo sent a protest to Baghdad today over the air attack and a new announcement is expected over the expulsion of Egyptian diplomats. NUCLEAR ENERGY: The Greek Ministry of Industry has written to the Greek Atomic Energy Commission agreeing to include Greece in the International Atomic Energy Organization’s research program to ascertain the possibilities for setting up nuclear power stations.