Questions need to be answered

It appears to be something that Greek politicians fail to grasp, but a large segment of our society is deeply enraged with the domestic political system. The impunity of scandal-tainted politicians, the inability of these politicians to deal with pressing problems and the petty skirmishing between political parties have seriously undermined people’s faith in the credibility of the system. Growing discontent, combined with deteriorating economic and social conditions, could have unexpected results. The two mainstream parties – the ruling New Democracy and the main opposition socialist PASOK party – have so far indulged in their customary polarizing campaign tactics, as always heavily relying on populist sound bites. At some point however they will have to provide specific answers to crucial questions – namely, how they plan to deal with the phenomenon of corruption which has steadily stumped all parties and governments, and how they will solve the country’s structural problems that have been fueling debt and stifling competitiveness.

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