The only way to go is forward
Easter this year saw Greece at a very difficult crossroad. The state is having to deal with the breadth and depth of the financial crisis, while the real economy stands frozen in its tracks. There are no quick fixes. The terrible mistakes and sins that have built up over the decades cannot be washed away in just a few weeks or even months. Prime Minister George Papandreou, however, has run out of excuses for prevaricating over taking instant and effective measures to put Greece back on course. He now knows all the facts, including the the strengths and weaknesses of the people he has appointed to his Cabinet. The delay in actually implementing measures, in combination with a few bad decisions in terms of people assigned to key posts, have proved catastrophic. But if the prime minister delays any longer or if he hesitates in replacing those who have shown themselves to be inept at their jobs with more capable people who will help him advance structural reforms, the country will have no way to go but the International Monetary Fund – with all that this entails.