The swearing-in ceremony for the new government members took place on Friday, in the Presidential Mansion and was attended by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and President Katerina Sakellaropoulou.
The ceremony was followed by a photo session with Mitsotakis and Sakellaropoulou.
Earlier, the prime minister had announced a cabinet reshuffle, with four ministers and seven deputy ministers leaving the government.
At the Ministry of Development, Kostas Skrekas was replaced by Takis Theodorikakos.
At the Ministry of Agricultural Development, Kostas Tsiaras took over from Lefteris Avgenakis.
Furthermore, the Minister of Labor, Domna Michailidou, was replaced by Niki Kerameos, while Dimitris Kairidis’ position at the Ministry of Migration Policy was taken over by Nikos Panagiotopoulos.
At the Ministry of the Interior, Theodoros Livanios replaced Niki Kerameos.
Giorgos Mylonakis assumed the role of Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister.