
Though his party didn’t win the landslide victory he hoped for, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has secured a rare third five-year term as India’s prime minister. It wasn’t an easy win. High inflation and unemployment helped a more unified opposition portray Modi as too cozy with big business to cut into the victory margin of his BJP-led alliance.


08.01.2024 / 18:55

While America’s military and economy remain exceptionally strong, its political system is more dysfunctional than that of any other advanced industrial democracy. In 2024, the US presidential election and the political divisions it exacerbates will test the resilience of American democracy like nothing the United States has experienced in more than 150 years.  

13.12.2023 / 03:33

When Russia invaded in February 2022, the courage, determination and skill of Ukrainian fighters quickly captured imaginations in Europe and the United States.

20.09.2023 / 22:03

On August 2, South Africa’s ambassador to the BRICS said that the ragtag group’s 15th summit in Johannesburg would initiate “a tectonic change… in the global geopolitical architecture.”

12.08.2023 / 18:33

Dread is on the rise across the United States as the nation slides toward its next tempestuous election. The mood is dark.

22.07.2023 / 00:06

Vladimir Putin has survived the most dramatic and direct challenge to his 23-year reign, and the mutinous mercenary oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin is in the process of being disarmed. Calm has been restored, at least on the surface. And in Ukraine the war grinds on. Now that the dust has settled, has the aborted insurrection in […]

10.06.2023 / 03:00

Throughout history, technological breakthroughs have created new opportunities for invention, adaptation and progress while inflicting irreversible damage on many lives and livelihoods. They have tested the remarkable abilities of human beings and societies to adapt to the turmoil of transition and to survive what economists call “creative destruction.

23.05.2023 / 20:22

Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan is … strong. Despite most opinion polls predicting a win for main-opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu, a soft-spoken technocrat who leads the secularist Republican People’s Party (CHP), President Erdogan received 49.5% of the votes in Sunday’s presidential election compared to Kilicdaroglu’s 44.9%. Erdogan’s Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its People’s Alliance coalition.

12.05.2023 / 22:13

Recent polls suggest that 60 percent of Americans don’t want Donald Trump to run for president in 2024, and 70 percent say President Joe Biden shouldn’t run. Just 42 percent of Americans think Biden is performing well as president.

12.04.2023 / 21:55

Donald Trump has returned to New York City, this time to face criminal charges. It’s an odd opening for the next political chapter in his life.

10.03.2023 / 22:16

Late last month, as part of its monitoring of Iran’s nuclear program, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported trace amounts of uranium at 84% enrichment.

13.02.2023 / 22:11

In January, British officials announced they had uncovered a dramatic cyberattack on the UK postal service which caused “severe disruption” to the computer systems that send mail abroad. They quickly blamed Russian hackers.

21.01.2023 / 16:06

Xi Jinping emerged from October’s 20th Party Congress with tighter control over the ruling Communist Party – and, therefore, over China – than any leader since Mao Zedong.