Farewell to a brave soldier

A brave man, a born hero and a true friend of Greece, George Patrick John Rushworth Jellicoe, 2nd Earl of Jellicoe, British politician and statesman, diplomatist and businessman, died at his home in England on February 22. He was the only son but sixth and youngest child of First World War naval commander Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Jellicoe. He served as a minister in the Heath government and was for a time leader of the House of Lords. During World War II he joined the Coldstream Guards and was sent to the Middle East where he spent six months in besieged Tobruk. When David Stirling founded the legendary SAS, he was chosen, at the age of 24, to be part of its nucleus. In daring raids behind Rommel’s lines with the SAS, Lord Jellicoe helped to destroy dozens of aircraft, munitions and fuel stores. After victory in the desert he headed the Special Boat Squadron in raids against German forces in the Aegean, Crete and the Dodecanese. «Kalo Taxidi (Bon Voyage) George,» wrote his comrade and friend Jason Mavrikis as a farewell. His funeral will be held on Monday, March 5, at his estate, and as he had requested of his wife Philippa, he will buried next to the cenotaph of General Tsigante, commander of the Special Operations Command («Ieros Lochos»). Greece will be represented at the funeral by Greek Ambassador in London Vassilis Pispinis. Meanwhile, on March 12, Jason Mavrikis is to be named by British Ambassador Simon Gass as a Member of the British Empire in the presence of other Greek and British former fellow soldiers. Major Frank Smith of the SAS Regimental Association is coming from London. Mavrikis is being honored for his contribution as a member of SAS/SBS (commando-parachutist) with Lord Jellicoe in the Aegean, and also for his services to improving Greek-British relations.

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