State loans to be repaid in 60 tranches

State loans to be repaid in 60 tranches

The reduced repayment of the cheap state loans known as the “Deposit To Be Returned” will take place in up to 60 monthly installments and start at end-January 2022, Kathimerini understands.

Sources say that the tax administration will upload the final amount that will have to returned to the state, as well as the options for the repayment of that amount, to the personal Taxisnet inbox of every corporation and freelance professional within the month of October.

Besides the new reduction of the part of the loan that must be paid back, there will also be a 15% discount for the repayment of the state loan in a lump sum.

Consequently if, for example, an enterprise had a turnover decline of more than 70% year-on-year due to the pandemic and received a state loan of 100,000 euros, it will have to return just €25,000, and if this is done in one go, it will drop to €21,250 – i.e. 21.25% of the loan. If it opts for a 60-tranche payment plan, this will amount to some €417 per month for five years, with 0.94% interest.

Enterprises with a drop in turnover between 30% and 70% will return 33.3% of their loans.

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