
MONDAY Bank of Greece Governor Nikolaos Garganas meets with officials of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Hellenic-American Union organizes a two-day seminar on «Fundamentals of IS Auditing.» At the HAU, 22 Massalias St, tel 210.368.0000. General Secretariat for Research and Technology organizes a conference on «Scenarios for the Future of Greek Industrial Production and Manufacturing: Technology, Competitiveness and Public Policies.» At the amphitheater of the National Technical University in Athens. Tel. 210.672.3486. TUESDAY «Advance Networking Technologies and Applications,» is the title of a two-day conference held at Divani Caravel Hotel. The conference is organized by Temagon SA, part of the OTE group. To Wednesday. WEDNESDAY Industrial Property Organization (OBI) organizes an exhibition titled «New Materials, High Performances-Inventions and Sports.» At the National Research Foundation, 48 Vassileos Constantinou Ave. To June 30. Tel. 210.618.3540-1. THURSDAY The 2nd Chief Financial Officers’ Forum opens at the Athinais conference hall, Votanikos. To Friday. Tel. 210.606.2100. The General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE) and the Marangopoulos Foundation hold press briefing on «International Convention 182 of the International Labor Organization for Heavy Child Labor.» At the GSEE amphitheater. FRIDAY IT and telecoms company European Dynamics holds a conference on «Toward Ubiquitous Digital Content – Building the Foundation for Digital Content Business in the Enlarged European Multicultural Society.» The conference is part of the Greek EU presidency’s official agenda. At the Athens Hilton Hotel. For further information, visit the website

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