Filippos Tsalidis: Investing in safe, modern rail travel

Filippos Tsalidis: Investing in safe, modern rail travel


Αssessing the last three months and everything we have had to deal with as a country, as well as humanity in its entirety, I don’t think anybody could have made better provisions or operated more directly and efficiently than Greece. However, this is a statement which cannot be viewed as definitive just yet, given the continuing threat – in the absence of a remedy for now – of a new wave of the pandemic, which should keep us alert. We are ready and flexible and have revised the way we act, make decisions and operate in our daily lives on both a personal and collective level.

Taking it a step further, the operation of every business structure will also need to plan and take the necessary measures so as to assist the entire country, operate safely and shield the public health, along with strengthening the framework of confidence for customers, partners and the broader public it interacts with and serves.


For TrainOSE, besides the unexpected and complicated challenges, the crisis has also brought some unique opportunities, centered around revisiting the safety of its people, passengers and rail travel in general.

We have improved our adjustment reflexes across all of our business operations, both on the trains and elsewhere, while always maintaining the quality of service and a close relationship with our partners and customers.

From a very early point, this company created a safe working environment for its employees and implemented precautionary security measures at stations and on the trains (also utilizing technology through thermal cameras) for the protection of passengers. All of the above was strengthened by an integrated public information campaign. TrainOSE’s journey has never stopped, it has just evolved along the way and become stronger as it responds to the contemporary challenges and the requirements in terms of protection that the pandemic has imposed. The journey continues and finds the company more competitive than ever, having earned the confidence of the traveling public as a safe means of transport that is constantly strengthened by the increasing safety actions on and off the trains.

TrainOSE, as the single passenger and freight railway transport service provider in Greece, will continue on its course, highlighting the significance of the railway both for passengers and for freight transport at every opportunity. The company’s investment plan as well as the completion of works on the country’s railway infrastructure in the coming years are of vital importance and aim at the substantial upgrading of the railway network in Greece.

The most important part of those investments concerns information technologies, new high-quality rolling stock, the creation of modern maintenance facilities and the development of the necessary infrastructure for the operation and support of freight transport and logistics.

With quality services and always seeking to improve the experience of traveling by rail for our passengers, TrainOSE is constantly evolving, striving to provide reliable, modern travel services while consistently safeguarding public health and protecting the traveling public and its staff.

Traveling on TrainOSE continues, while ensuring quality and safety.


TrainOSE SA was founded on December 19, 2005 as a subsidiary of the Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE SA). On January 1, 2007, the company undertook all passenger and freight transport as a fully independent corporation with a separate management. On September 14, 2017, it transferred 100% of its shares to Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group (FS) and joined the Italian group.

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