Trade remains thin on ASE

The Athens Stock Exchange (ASE) composite price index closed on Friday at 2,559.94 points, a slight decline of 14.74 points, or 0.57 percent, from the previous week’s close. During the week, the index dropped very close to the 2,500-point level before rebounding. Investor interest, with the exception of Thursday, remained very low. Total trading volume reached 608.28 million euros, making an average daily volume of 121.65 million euros. All Financial Times indices registered losses. The small-cap FTSE/ASE-80 index came under the strongest pressure, receding 0.96 percent. The FTSE/ASE-20 blue chip index lost 0.49 percent, closely followed by the mid-cap FTSE/ASE-40 index, which lost 0.44 percent. Most sectoral indices registered losses, the largest of which were retail commerce (2.37 percent), investment (1.58 percent) and insurance stocks (1.45 percent). The biggest winners were wholesale commerce (1.39 percent), followed by holding companies (0.70 percent) and basic metals (0.41 percent).Of the 367 stocks traded, 216 registered losses, 129 ended with gains and 22 remained unchanged. – The National Tourism Council meets to discuss proposals for the adoption of a new strategy for tourism in the new European environment, and is also expected to announce measures designed to support ailing enterprises.

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