Shipping Report

TANKERS There is a busier market in the Med., mainly for Aframaxes due to additional inquiry out of the Black Sea. – The 80,000-ton cargoes are fixed at W/S 235-240, while N. Sea remains steady. – The 100,000-ton cargo liftings out of Primorsk are still fixed at W/S 135. – Caribs have more cargoes in the market, while rates from W/S 180 have moved to W/S 220 for the 70,000-ton cargo liftings. – Suezmaxes are steady in all areas. – In the N. Sea, Navion has fixed M/T «Astro Cassiopeia» for 135,000 tons of cargo, loading May 17 UK, discharging US Gulf, at W/S 145. – In W. Africa, Staso for 130,000 tons of cargo, loading May 30 Nigeria, discharging W. Africa, has fixed Genmar tonnage at USD 600,000 lump sum. – In Caribs, Marathon has fixed M/T «Sea Star» for 144,000 tons of cargo, loading May 24, discharging US Gulf, at W/S 156. – On VLCCs out of Arabian Gulf, SK has fixed M/T «Asian Progress III» for 275,000 tons of cargo, loading May 25, discharging S. Korea, at W/S 90.25. – On Aframax in the Med., NOC has fixed M/T «Hellas Warrior» for 80,000 tons of cargo, loading May 12 Libya, discharging Med., at W/S 215. – In the Cont., Europet for 100,000 tons of cargo, loading May 7 Baltic, discharging UKC, has fixed M/T «Minerva Eleonora» at W/S 135. – In Caribs, Chemoil for 70,000 tons of cargo, loading May 8 Venezuela, discharging US Gulf, has fixed M/T «Elise Shulte» at W/S 205. DRY CARGO There is very little fresh activity in the market, but some sources suggested after last week’s losses that the market is looking steadier. – In the East, Rio Tinto took the Worldlink relet «Aquagrace,» 167,105 dwt, built 1997, built open spot China, went for a W. Australian round voyage but at a rate not yet circulated. – Same charterers have fixed M/V «Obelix I,» 194,941 dwt, built 1982, for same voyage at USD 57,000 daily. – In the Atlantic, Transfield has fixed M/V «Marina,» 150,000 dwt, built 1995, delivery Passero May 10-11, trip via Brazil, redelivery China, at USD 64,000 daily. – On Panamaxes, the Far East market looks steady after the significant clearout of early tonnage in the area. – Cargill has fixed M/V «Asia Graeca,» 73,990 dwt, built 2004, delivery Japan, for Pacific round-trip at USD 21,000 daily. – In the Atlantic, M/V «Alessandra d’Amato,» 74,716 dwt, built 2000, delivery Italy, for 2 round legs, was fixed at USD 32,000 daily. – On smaller sizes, Agroship has fixed M/V «Pacific Embolden,» 43,396 dwt, built 1993, delivery beg. May Egypt, trip via East Med. – Black Sea, redelivery India, at USD 37,000 daily.

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