Kosovo ‘needs God’s help’

Archbishop Christodoulos yesterday denounced the «ethnic cleansing» of Serbs in Kosovo and appealed for divine intervention for peace in the province, remarking that military forces could do little to combat «an evil that weapons cannot destroy.» He lamented the destruction of places of worship, «whether they be churches or mosques.» «We cannot remain passive viewers of what appears to be a distant fire but can spread to our neighborhood,» the archbishop told a congregation in Pangrati. «May God intervene so the hostilities may end,» he added. «The ethnic cleansing of Serbs cannot bring peace because it is not a just solution,» the archbishop said, describing Kosovo as «the cradle of Serbian Orthodoxy and culture.» He stressed that the only solution was one of peaceful coexistence. Damaged churches would be repaired by the church’s «Solidarity» non-governmental organization, he said.

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