Dead end in wiretap probe

A group of New Democracy MPs who headed a parliamentary committee probing into the phone-tapping scandal delivered its findings yesterday and admitted it could not discover who was responsible for the wiretaps. In their report, the deputies indicate that some 100 mobile phones, including the prime minister’s, could not have been tapped without the cooperation of people working at service provider Vodafone and the company which supplied it with software, Ericsson. The MPs, however, claim there is not enough evidence to lead to the people who conducted the eavesdropping, which began before the Athens Olympics in August 2004. The deputies did not rule out the possibility that foreign countries were involved in the operation. Their conclusions drew criticism from opposition MPs on the committee who claimed the report was a whitewash. PASOK MPs want more people to be questioned by the committee but ND deputies, who hold the majority, have refused to continue the investigation.

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