In Brief


15 youths blitz Exarchia police station A group of about 15 masked youths attacked the police station on Kallidromiou Street in the central Athens district of Exarchia just after 8 p.m. yesterday, setting alight three police patrol cars and several other vehicles parked outside the building which suffered superficial damage. Police have not identified the assailants who fled after the attack. No injuries were reported. Mad cow disease. A second Cypriot has been infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), Cypriot Agriculture Minister Costas Themistocleous said yesterday, just over a week after the death from mad cow disease of a young Londoner from Paphos, western Cyprus. The health of the Londoner – who has not been named – has deteriorated and he is in the hospital on a respirator, Themistocleous said. Afghan aid A military aircraft with a 10-person crew will deliver $200,000-worth of humanitarian aid in the form of food, medicine and clothes to refugees in Afghanistan on April 2, the Foreign Ministry said yesterday. Olympic financing The financing of ailing state airline Olympic Airways (OA) was above aboard, Transport and Communications Minister Christos Verelis insisted yesterday, following a meeting in Brussels with EU Commissioner Loyola de Palacio who is leading the commission’s investigation into allegations that Greece illegally funded OA.

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